Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Rabbi and Caesar

And God said to her “two nations (goyim) are in your womb” ...                                      Genesis 25:23

            The Sages of the Talmud noted the unusual spelling of “goyim” (which can be read as “geyim”, proud or noble persons) and comment that this refers to Rabbi Judah the Prince (Rebbi) and his friend Antoninus Caesar.
            Our Sages teach us that there is an eternal struggle between Jacob and Esau (who is represented in Rabbinic literature by Rome). The relationship between Rebbi and Antoninus Caesar (likely Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121 - 180) represents a lull in the ongoing enmity between the descendants of Isaac’s two sons.
            My father suggested that our Sages reading the word “goyim” as “geyim” is intended to teach us that only when Jacob’s descendants take pride in their heritage will they be able to overcome Esau’s hatred of them.
            The relationship between Rebbi and Antoninus Caesar perhaps demonstrates the ideal. Rebbi dealt with the spiritual realm while Caesar dealt with the material.
            Our verse is God’s answer to Rebecca’s questioning her suffering during her pregnancy. Knowing that there will be a time when her two sons’ children live peacefully with each other was a source of comfort to Rebecca.

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