Thursday, February 16, 2017

Listening Together

And he took the book of the covenant and read in the hearing of the people, and they said: “All that God has spoken we will do and hear (na’aseh v’nishma).                  Exodus 24:7

            When the Children of Israel accepted Torah, their emphasis was on action: first “we will do”. The Ten Commandments and the remaining mitzvot revealed at Sinai are to serve as the Jews’ guide to life.
            It has been noted that in Parashat Yitro [19:8], the verse states:

And all the people answered together (yaḥdav) and said: “All that God has spoken we will do.”

while our verse does not have the word “yaḥdav”.

            The verse in Yitro was spoken prior to the revelation at Sinai, before the Children of Israel were endowed with the highest level of sanctity which unites and purifies the nation, therefore, it was necessary to add “yaḥdav”, to inform us that Israel had already achieved unity. Our verse was said by Israel after the revelation at Sinai, which united the nation, hence the word “yaḥdav” is unnecessary.

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