Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Tale of Two Litigants

When they have a matter, it comes to me (“ba elai”); and I judge between a man and his neighbor, and I make known to them the statutes of God and His laws.                                               Exodus 18:16

          Apparently, the above translation is intended to obviate a problem with the Hebrew wording. The verse switches from plural “when they have a matter” to singular “ba elai”, which would normally be translated “he comes to me”.
          My father suggested the more standard translation: “when they have a matter he comes to me” and explained Moses’ intention: though two litigants come to Moses, ideally, they come as a single person, since they are united by a desire to seek “the statutes of God and His laws”.           Rather than having personal benefit as the main goal, each of the opposing parties should have serving justice as the primary aim.

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