Thursday, February 16, 2017

It Takes Action to Impress Jethro

When Jethro, priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law heard of all that God had done for Moses and for Israel His people, that God had brought them out of Egypt ...                     Exodus 18:1

What report did he (Jethro) hear that brought him to convert? The splitting of the Red sea and the battle against Amalek.                   Rashi
 My father suggested that it was the proximity of the splitting of the Red Sea and the battle against Amalek which influenced Jethro to come to his son in law Moses.
Our Sages tell us that Pharaoh had three advisers: Balaam, who supported Pharaoh’s plan to throw the male children of the Israelites to their deaths in the Nile; Job, who remained silent; and Jethro, who protested the plan and expressed his opposition. Based on this Midrash, Jethro represents the enlightened liberal gentile, who supports the human rights of minority groups.
After the splitting of the Red Sea and punishment of the Egyptians, Jethro anticipated that the world would realize that the Egyptians were punished because of their oppression of the Israelites, and that Mankind in general would appreciate that there is a God of justice Who punished the Egyptians. Yet, shortly after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they were attacked by the tribe of Amalek. Not only did Amalek disregard the lesson of the Red Sea, but no other nation spoke in defense of Israel, or came to their aid against Amalek. It was the failure of the “enlightened” world to learn and apply the lessons of history which brought Jethro to lose faith in the nations of the world and to join Israel.

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