Thursday, February 23, 2017

Parashat Shekalim and Purim

            Parashat Shekalim is always read as we approach Adar of Purim.
            Among the messages of Parashat Shekalim is the unity of Israel and the equality of each Israelite. “The rich shall give no more and the poor no less ...” [Exodus 30:15]
            For Haman, there was equality of all Jews. He wanted “to destroy, to kill and to cause to perish all Jews ...” [Esther 3:13] Haman did not distinguish between Sefardi and Ashkenazi, Hassid and Mitnagid, religious and secular Jews.
            The salvation of the Jews began with the Jews themselves uniting, with Esther instructing Mordechai to “go gather all the Jews ...” [Esther 4:16]
            This concept is conveyed in a Talmudic statement:
Reish  Lakish  said: it  is  revealed and  known  before He  Who  spoke and  brought  the world into being that Haman  would  pay  shekels  for  (the  right  to attack) the  Jews  [Esther 3:9] therefore  He preceded  their shekels  to  Haman’s, as  we learn “On the first of Adar an announcement is made concerning the (half) shekels.”
                    Babylonian Talmud, Megila 13b
          Reish Lakish sees the half shekel as the “cure” for the 10,000 shekels Haman offered King Ahaseurus for the right to attack the Jews.
          We can understand Reish Lakish’s comment on a symbolic level. Haman’s shekels resulted from Israel’s disunity. Haman began his presentation to Ahaseurus by saying “there is a certain people scattered and dispersed (m’forad = disunited)…. [Esther 3:8] As has been the case so often in Israel’s history, our lack of unity left us vulnerable to our enemies.
            The antidote to Haman (and our other oppressors) is the unity of Israel, as represented by the half shekel.
            Ultimately, it will be the unity of Israel which will lead to rebuilding the Temple and reinstitution of the half shekel.

            May we have the wisdom to initiate our unity and not wait for our enemies to force unity upon us.

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