Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bribing Oneself

Cursed is he who takes a bribe to put an innocent man to death.  All the people shall say, Amen.                                   Deuteronomy 27:25

                Thus the Torah presents the eleventh of twelve curses which were to be proclaimed facing Mount Eval.
            This year, motzaei Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo, Ashkenazim begin reciting seliḥot (penitential prayers) in preparation for the High Holidays. (In the coming ten years, selihot will commence another five times on motzaei Shabbat Parashat Ki Tavo.)
       Malbim presents an explanation of the verse which implies great significance of the timing of the connection between the parasha and selihot:
“He who takes a bribe to put an innocent man to death” includes one who destroys his (own) soul for the sake of bodily pleasure and does not consider the reward of his sin against the loss.
       One who focuses on the immediate, though fleeting benefit of his transgression while ignoring the long term detrimental effects, in essence is bribing himself and the “innocent man” whom he puts to death through this bribe is himself.

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