Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Speech of Moses and of the Kohen Appointed for War

When you approach (the place of battle), the priest shall step forward and speak to the people.                                                             Deuteronomy 20:2
The address of the priest appointed for war must be made in the holy tongue. Our verse states “the priest shall.. speak (v’dibber) and the other verse  states “Moses spoke (y’dabber) and God replied with a Voice.” [Exodus 19:19]                                                                                  Babylonian Talmud, Sota 32a

            Our Sages deduce from the common use of the verb "dibber" that the Kohen appointed for war (Kohen Mashuaḥ Milḥama) must address the people in the Holy Tongue.
            My father explained that it is the responsibility of the Kohen Mashuaḥ Milḥama to arouse in the hearts of the people the realization that God, as it were, fights on behalf of His people. Just as Moses spoke to the people and God “replied with a Voice,” so too should it be with the Kohen Mashuaḥ Milḥama, who speaks to the people and then God will “reply with a voice” and provide victory for His people.

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