Thursday, September 1, 2016

Miracles at the River Jordan

For you will now cross the Jordan to come and take possession of the Land…                Deuteronomy 11:31
The miracles performed at the crossing of the Jordan will be a sign that you will “come and take possession of the Land.”                                               Rashi
In explaining how the miracles at the Jordan will serve as an indication that Israel will indeed take possession of its Land, Ḥatam Sofer quotes a story related in the Talmud:
Rabbi Pinḥas ben Yair went to redeem a captive from the gentiles, and when he reached the River Ginnai, he said: “Ginnai, part your waters for me.” The river responded: “You are on your way to do the will of your Creator, and I do the will of my Creator, you may or may not succeed in doing His will, while I surely do His will.”                              Babylonian Talmud, Ḥullin 7a
The implication of the river’s argument is that were it certain that Rabbi Pinḥas ben Yair would succeed in fulfilling God’s will, the river would have acceded to his demand.
Thus, when the waters of the River Jordan stopped flowing to allow the Israelites to enter the Land [Joshua 3:15–16], it was a clear indication that Israel would indeed do God’s will and take possession of the Land, for if it remained doubtful, the river would not have parted.
Therefore, Rashi is correct in asserting that the miracles of the Jordan presage the Israelites’ entering and possessing the Land.

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