Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Primal and Ultimate Shofar

The shofar was first heard at Mount Sinai, with the greatest divine revelation in history and the giving of Torah (Exodus 19:16).
The ultimate blast of the shofar, the “great shofar will herald the ingathering of the exiles in the Messianic era (Isaiah 27:13).
My father commented that the primal and ultimate shofar blasts are clearly related.
The shofar of Sinai was a call to sanctity. The revelation at Sinai, or more exactly, Israel’s acceptance of Torah at Sinai, uplifted man. The shofar should serve as a call to renewing the commitment accepted at Sinai.  The extent to which the People of Israel hearken to the call of Sinai is the extent to which we can hasten the blast of the great shofar announcing our ultimate freedom.
Perhaps we can add a thought. The revelation at Sinai took place because of the unity of the People of Israel (see Rashi, Exodus 19:2). The ultimate redemption as well will come through the unity of Israel.

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